Up in the Air
All Original "Heartbeat" Music
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Still Out There: Our 14th album (hard to believe)
Our 13th album was 3 years in the making and reflects some of the changes that our world and lives are going thru.
Our 12th CD fully recorded and produced in our solar powered studio. Finished in August 2013.
Our 11th project, a 2-volume CD recorded live at Castoro Cellars and at the Rose's Party in 2011 by Tyson Leonard
10th Cd finished in 2011 and marks the addition of Emy Bruzzo and Phil Gross into the group.
9th CD is a our usual diverse mix of musical styles and themes. Released in 2007.
8th CD -2004. Engineered by John and Ryan McLain. Variety of upbeat musical styles
7th Cd-2002 is a transition album with 27 people singing or playing on it.
6th album is a collection of mostly live recordings from 1998 and 1999
5th album and was recorded from 1998 to 1999 . Marks the first time the group included trap drums.
4th album-Recorded live on 8/28/94 at Sutton Sound Studio in Atascadero.
3rd album recorded live in Sutton's Sound Studio in Atascadero on 8/29/1993
1991- 2nd album with political themes of anti-war, anti-nuke, and global warming themes included.
First project is a collection of live takes from sessions in 1988 and 1989 in Sutton's Sound Studio.